Lip fillers are becoming increasingly popular, but what are the potential risks? Injectable lip augmentation techniques can be performed quickly in your doctor's office with little or no downtime. However, there are a few potential side effects that you should be aware of before undergoing the procedure. Side effects reported in clinical trials include facial weakness, drooping of the eyelids and drooping of the eyebrows. Other adverse events included localized pain, swelling, redness, and bruising at the injection site.
In rare cases, injections have caused double vision, dry eyes, or difficulty swallowing or breathing. Injection of botulinum toxin products for cosmetic purposes is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. One of the most common side effects of lip surgery is minor bruising and swelling. You will most likely experience this for a few days after the lip enhancement procedure is done.
Redness will also appear near and around the mouth where the doctor injected the dermal fillers. The redness will subside in a few days. If you experience prolonged severe redness, swelling, or bruising, call your healthcare provider right away. Most of the side effects of lip injections are temporary, such as bruising and swelling.
One risk is that fillers purchased online may contain a variety of non-sterile substances, such as hair gel. When injected, these substances can cause allergic reactions, infections, and the death of skin cells. Another risk is that an improper injection technique can cause not only swelling and lumps, but also more serious side effects, such as skin cell death and embolism leading to blindness. The FDA has issued an official warning urging consumers to never buy dermal fillers on the Internet.
They can be false, contaminated, or harmful. Enhanced lips can make your lips thicker and fuller, but it will still be you when you leave the doctor's office. Injectable lip augmentation techniques can be performed quickly in your doctor's office with little or no downtime. It's crazy to think that any professional would risk injecting their lips with a filler that isn't approved by the FDA, but it happens. Lip fillers will last six to nine months, depending on where they are injected and how the body processes the substance. After another doctor recommended that she have injections in her lips every four months, this patient visited Grossman for her quarterly replacement.
Dr. Hussain says that dermal fillers injected into the lips are relatively safe and that there are greater risks with fillers in other parts of the face. The amount of substance injected can be controlled, so that the physician has better control over the amount of lip volume that is created. From temporary bruising to permanent tissue death, lip injections are much more than meets the eye. Fat injection is the exception, as the procedure requires a small area of liposuction to remove fat from another part of the body before the injection can be given. It's the Kardashians or the constant Instagram selfies to blame, but lip injections are all the rage and don't seem to go anywhere anytime soon.
Keeping ice on the lips before injections also helps numb the area and potentially helps with bruising and swelling. If you've ever wanted the perfect pout, you might have considered injecting dermal fillers into your lips. The main recipients of lip fillers are women, whether they are looking to fill their genetically thin lips or combat the effects of aging. After carefully marking the areas to be injected, very fine needles are used to inject the substance into the lips.